
Performance Artist Curates Her Voice

凯西  Wolhar

Class of 2020 • Newark, Delaware
For 凯西Wolhar ‘20, creating art is part of her daily routine. 从参与 in musicals, set designing for theatre productions, or interning at the Kohl Gallery— 凯西 thrives in her creative outlets, her confidence exponentially greater now than at the start of her college career.


“I’m still a shy person by nature, but definitely with my art freshman year, I very much thought, ‘mine's not good enough.’ I tried anyway and the department nurtured my confidence in my art,” she says. “Now I really like my art and I have reasoning behind the artistic choices I make, which results in open conversation and good feedback. There are always things to think about and learn from, but my confidence in my ability 确实改善了.” 

凯西 believes she can make the biggest creative impact through 表演艺术. 

“I fell into 表演艺术 my sophomore year as a problem-solving method. 在课堂上 we had to make our artwork move for a project, and I knew that if I put myself in 它会动的. I was really satisfied with it. I think with 表演艺术 you really captivate active viewership.” She elaborates: “Sometimes people go into an art museum and think, ‘oh that painting is nice,’ and they walk away from it and they don’t really think about it. When people are performing in front of you it invites another form of engagement; it forces one to think about what they are seeing in a way that isn’t always present in other materials.” 

凯西 has been inspired by recent performances in Kohl Gallery by multimedia artists such as Tara and David Gladden and Jordan Deal. These artists create immersive spaces and solicit audience interaction in a way that she also hopes to accomplish. 

Naturally, 凯西 is working on a three-part performance for her studio art Senior Capstone Experience, putting herself into each piece.   

“I'm interested in the human experience, and what better way to explain that than to be a human and experience the art,” she says. “I'm using the concept of self vs. other and how we can use 表演艺术 to connect with others and explore those 的关系. Right now I’m working with other performers and we will do different performative actions engaging in how we can show our relationship, or the distance 我们的关系. It's all about tension between wanting to connect with people, but not being able to.” 

凯西 is putting her artistic skills to use not only with her 工作室艺术 SCE, but also with her 沟通 and 媒体研究 SCE and her final project in the Creative Process studio art class. In total she is curating and producing work for three exhibitions this year, a rare opportunity for any undergraduate student. 

“I'm working on three projects that will add to my resume as an artist. 作为一个 who wants to be active in the art world, I am gaining skills that I didn’t expect to develop so exponentially. WC has given me a lot of opportunities to be hands on. I don't believe at a larger school I would have had these opportunities and be given attention to foster this level of confidence in my work.” 

To see 凯西's artwork and all of the 2020 工作室艺术 Senior Capstone Exhibit, visit 不安.kohlgallery.org

凯西's Four Year Plan


最喜欢的课程有教授的雕塑. 朱莉遗嘱

“Sculpture allowed me to make big artwork. At the start of each class there was a prompt, and you just took it from there. There were no constraints.”


难忘的时刻SpTps: Performace Art with Prof. 朱莉遗嘱

“I took the class and there were only four students in it, giving us very personal one-on-one attention with Julie. It really honed my skills and ideas for creating 表演艺术. It’s my all-time favorite class I've taken.” 



“My internship at Kohl is really informative in learning gallery practices and I gained confidence talking about art and using my art skills in the real world.”


九州娱乐官网Senior Capstone Experience

“I'm interested in the human experience, and what better way to explain that than to be a human and experience the art,” she says. “I'm using the concept of self vs. other and how we can use 表演艺术 to connect with others and explore those 的关系.”