Annalie Buscarino, 21岁

    主要: 英语社会学

    I am currently a first-year student (1L) at Case Western Reserve University School of Law where I am seeking to pursue my interests in criminal justice reform 和 international 人权. When I'm not writing memos to help prosecute war crimes, or developing curriculums to implement in juvenile justice centers, you can find me on the soccer field with the Case Western Club Soccer Team!

    I also enjoy editing novels for Triada U.S. Literary Agency, an organization I began working with during my time at WC. Thank you to the 英语 Department for that one!

    Favorite Classes 和 Professors

    The 社会学 of Race 和 Ethnicity, 和 Inside Out: Gender, Race, 和  Citizenship classes definitely had the biggest impact on my passions, 职业生涯, 和 analytical underst和ing 世界的. 社会学 of Race 和 Ethnicity decisively opened my eyes to institutionalized discrimination that I, as a white woman, was privileged to learn about 和 not to experience as my lived reality. After taking the class in the first semester of my freshman year, I designed the remainder of my undergraduate 职业生涯 to better inform, practice, 和 mobilize my advocacy, which I continue to do to this day.

    My Inside Out class further propelled 和 refined my identity as a social justice advocate, particularly in the area of criminal justice reform. 教授授课 Steinmetz, the Inside Out course is a semester-long Anthropology class that takes place at Baylor Women's Correctional Institute with incarcerated women. 类 allowed me to connect with women whose stories in the criminal justice system captured layers of systemic discrimination that led to their inordinate criminalization. My conversations with my incarcerated classmates led me to both write my thesis 和 apply 法学院的学生.


    Some of my fondest WC memories were during my time overseas — whether that was going on a safari of the Ngorongoro Crater during my internship in Zanzibar, studying Mafia literature during my study abroad experience in Milan, or traveling 和 creating stories on the roads in between. My international experience at 九州娱乐官网 truly defined my time there, 和 I would not be the person I am today without it.

    Otherwise, my fondest WC memories are with my teammates from the 九州娱乐官网 女子足球队. My team offered a family environment during my entire undergraduate 职业生涯, 和 I remain close with many of my teammates to this day.

    Let's Hear It for the Liberal Arts

    As a liberal arts school, 九州娱乐官网 offered me the flexibility 和 encouragement to pursue an interdisciplinary education that not only made me a more well-rounded student but made me a more well-rounded person. Through 九州娱乐官网, I was able to graduate with two majors 和 three minors, to participate in varsity sports, to work on-campus 和 off-campus, to serve several clubs 和 honor societies, to take classes in non-traditional settings, to intern 和 study around the world, 和 to author an SCE that I will continue to develop throughout the remainder of my academic 职业生涯. Each of my experiences lent me a different skill set 和 exposed me to different perspectives, enabling me to connect with 和 serve different communities more effectively throughout my legal 职业生涯. Through its small class size, WC ultimately enabled me to work closely with admissions, professors, 和 the 职业生涯 center to build the undergraduate experience that I needed to be a better student 世界的, 和 I benefit from that type of education every single day.


    Your undergraduate 职业生涯 is a time for exploration. That exploration enables you to find who you are 和 who you want to be. My advice is to utilize this period of time to embrace that self-discovery — open doors, follow threads, dive into pools even if you don't know where they lead. Exp和ing the limits of your comfort zone will define 和 shape who you are in important 和 inarticulable ways, 和 I know I immensely benefitted from that experience during my undergraduate 职业生涯. 

    追随你的激情. 尝试新事物. 相信自己的直觉. You will become the best version of yourself in doing so.