

    基础工商管理专业.  关注未成年人.  真实世界的经验. 订婚 和整个学院.  

    工商管理系视商业为 活跃的文科道德和社会责任是企业成功的核心.  我们的毕业生 make positive impacts in the worlds they enter as leaders in traditional business venues such as the worlds of finance, accounting, and marketing, and in 其他 organizational contexts such as the worlds of government, law, and non-profit organizations - reflecting 九州娱乐官网 values of critical thinking, effective communication, and moral 勇气.  The diversity of our talented faculty of teacher-scholars and practitioners 呼应商业的全球化本质.

    课堂学习仅仅是个开始.  严格的课程为你的参与做好了准备 in a wide range of real-world experiences and settings, including an award-winning student-managed investment fund program with a $1M+ portfolio, internships, our summer study abroad program, student-designed experiential projects, faculty-student research, 和更多的.  还有资金可以帮助你实现你的目标.  

    Our major can be combined with any 其他 major or minor offered at 九州娱乐官网. In fact, at 九州娱乐官网, 企业管理 majors can not only aspire to Sigma Beta Delta, the International Business Honor Society, they can also aspire to Phi Beta Kappa, the pre-eminent honor society for students pursuing a liberal education.

    企业管理 at 九州娱乐官网 - transforming students into leaders to 创造更美好的世界.


    主修方向 & 未成年人

    Our business management major provides a systemic, holistic view of business, forming 这是你未来职业生涯的重要基础.  我们的辅修课程有会计,创业, finance, international business, and marketing build on this foundation with challenging upper-level courses, preparing students to enter careers directly upon graduation 或者在他们感兴趣的领域继续研究生学习.   



    Perhaps you want to go into marketing, or become a consultant, or earn a CPA and become 一个会计.  也许你有创业的动力去开创自己的事业.  也许你的激情是人,你想进入人力资源.  也许你 live and breathe investments or know that you want to use business to make a difference 对于服务不足的人群. 

    No matter why you want a career in business, you first need to understand what makes the complex systems that comprise for-profit and not-for-profit organizations work.  商业管理专业就是为了做到这一点而设计的. 

    You’ll learn hard skills – accounting, finance, statistics – and people-oriented skills ——市场营销,组织行为学.  你将了解当今的工业是如何发展的 digitally transformed and why social responsibility is becoming the strategic norm.  You’ll learn how to infuse ethics into organizational decision-making to achieve corporate 卓越.

    The major stands alone in providing essential skills; it also provides the foundation 对于未成年人来说.




    A little business sense is helpful regardless of the career path chosen, and the Business 管理辅修课程可以帮助任何主修课程的学生培养基本的商业技能.  未成年人包括 of three required courses (BUS 111 市场营销原理; BUS 112 Introduction to Financial Accounting; BUS 302 Organizational Behavior) and two electives drawn from 200级或更高的bus前缀课程. 

    Keep in mind that ECN 112 Principles of Microeconomics is a prerequisite for BUS 111 市场营销原理.



    We offer minors in Accounting, 创业, Finance, International Business, and Marketing, designed to help you delve more deeply into the area of business that 激发你的激情.  每门辅修课程至少需要四门以上的高级课程 工商管理专业. 

    Can you take one of these minors without majoring in 企业管理? 当然, we’ll just ask you to complete four additional courses to fill in essential background 知识. 



    The interdisciplinary majors in International Studies and Communication & 媒体研究 利用商业管理系提供的课程.  此外,我们是合作伙伴 with 其他 departments in offering interdisciplinary minors in 数据分析, Information 系统和艺术管理 & 企业家精神(见描述这些未成年人的页面) 了解更多信息).  我们也为国际经济学提供课程 经济系开设的辅修课程. 问我们如何结合这些程序或 其他 majors/minors with 工商管理专业 can provide you with a significant 职业提升.


    Eleven formally-dressed students work in the Brown Advisory Investing Lab under the supervision of an older advisor.


    组织 like Enactus, our student chapter of the American Marketing Association, and the Brown Advisory Student-Managed Investment Fund Program give students in Business 管理有机会在课堂外磨练自己的技能.


    Four female and two male student members of Enactus stand in front of an Enactus banner. 他们穿着正式.


    Academic 卓越, business savvy, leadership potential—there are many ways to stand 我在企业管理方面的出色工作赢得了大家的认可.
